Madiun City is one of the cities located in the western part of East Java, which is located between 7° to 8° South Latitude (SL) which is 7.5 kilometers long to the north and south, and between 11° to 12° East Longitude (EL) which is 6 kilometers long, from west and east. The entire area of Madiun City is 33.23 km, administratively divided into 3 sub-districts, which are Taman District (Kecamatan Taman) (12.63 km2), Manguharjo District (Kecamatan Manguharjo) (10.63 km2), and Kartoharjo District (Kecamatan Kartoharjo) (9,97 km2), with 27 sub-district in total.
This Kota Pendekar is bordered by the Madiun Regency. On the north side adjacent to Madiun District, on the south to Geger District, on the west to Jiwan District, and on the east to Wungu District. This Kota Pendekar is also surrounded by several areas including Madiun Regency, Ponorogo Regency, Magetan Regency, and Ngawi Regency. And from here it indirectly crowned Madiun City as the center and the “only” city in the western part of East Java.
The City of Swordsmen (Kota Pendekar) has its slogan, the Warrior (Pendekar) which stands for Smart, Serving, Build, Caring, Open and Charismatic. This is then supported by the vision and mission of the Madiun City Government, namely the vision of realizing a clean, authoritative government towards a prosperous society and the mission of realizing good governance, realizing environmentally development, improving the quality of life of the people of Madiun city, as well as realizing the city independence and equalizing welfare levels. This vision and mission are contained in the “Panca Karya” or 5 works that will be realized, including Madiun asa smart city, Madiun as a service city, Madiun as a building city, Madiun as a caring city, and Madiun as an open city. Where in its implementation Madiun City Government has committed to providing services that are always in favor of the needs of the community, providing quality services for the community in obtaining public information in accordance with the provisions of the applicable law, as well as involving the participation of all elements of society to oversee the running of the government so that can build a culture that is free from corruption, collusion, and nepotism. The city of Madiun also has a Pecel philosophy which is in accordance with the components of the pecel itself, in which there is diversity, but still simple and provides many great benefits.
Through the slogan, philosophy, vision and mission, it is hoped that all sectors in the city of Madiun can develop and be fulfilled.
Starting from tourism, economy, and education, Madiun has built one by one its facilities, both physical and non-physical facilities, with the hope that it will be able to continue to be better in the future.
Development in the physical field has been continuously carried out for the last 3 years, where now the people of Madiun City and its surroundings can enjoy all the facilities such as PSC (Pahlawan Street Center) area located on Pahlawan st, PSC is now available some other places such as Sumber Wangi, which has art alleys for relaxing equipped with a speed table, in the western part of Sumber Umis stands pilgrimage and Kakbah for Umrah ritual tours, in the eastern part there is a Merlion statue, there is also a pedestrian path. Bantaran Traffic Park (Taman Lalu Lintas Bantaran) can be used for sports and on Sunday there will be a Car Free Day event where people can enjoy the morning air while exploring the culinary delights of the merchants, at this Bantaran Traffic Park (Taman Lalu Lintas Bantaran) there is also a fishing pond where there are routine of fishing pickles or fishing competitions. The Pujasera on Sleko Market (Pujasera Pasar Sleko) has also been established with a variety of delicious and affordable culinary delights. In the construction of Jawa st. which now has pedestrian paths and parking areas, there is also an area for scooter rental. Construction of a window displayin the former Pelti Field (Lapangan Pelti) in front of the Madiun Bakorwil 1 Office (Kantor Bakorwil 1 Madiun). Construction of the Sogaten Hospital (Rumah Sakit Sogaten) to support other existing health facilities. The construction of stalls (lapak) spread across 27 sub-districts in Madiun City, the emergence of point 0 (Titik Nol) equipped with a monument post, and the construction of a statue of the Rimba Dharma Warrior (Patung Pendekar Rimba Dharma) in Proliman which connects the Diponegoro st, Thamrin st, S Parman st, and Rimba Dharmas st, besides the warrior statue there is also a Rimba Dharma culinary center, which is on the southeast side. The transfer of the flower market behind the Wilis Stadium area has also been completed by establishing a new area called the Dawuhan Flower Market (Pasar Bunga Dawuhan), which is located in the Taman District. The Manguharjo Bridge, precisely in the Patihan sub-district, which collapsed, is now starting to get reconstruction so that community activities can return back to normal. The Pule plant (tanaman Pule), which is located in several areas in Madiun City, Ngerowo Bening Edupark, and Bumi Semendung Thematic Village, has also been added to the list of new places in Madiun City as tourist destinations. Not to forget the Pecel Land area, Cottage of Elderly (Pondok Lansia), Bosbow arrangement and Military Detention Center (Rumah Tahanan Militer), construction of the Bogowonto area, Municipal Waterworks Tower (PDAM Tower), Pilangbango Retention basin (Embung Pilangbango), Kuncen Mosque area, Bong Cino Tomb (Makam Bung Cino), Wilis Sports Center area (GOR Wilis), and now the city of Madiun is also equipped with trails for cyclists and has awarded the Cycling Friendly City.
In addition to building and repairing physical infrastructure, Madiun City also carries out non-physical development in the form of informal workforce training, death compensation and accident certificates for workers, clean water assistance from the Social Service (Dinas Sosial), scholarships for underprivileged college students, and procurement free internet.
Now in the field of education as well as the infrastructure has been firmly established, kindergartens to universities have been present all around, making it easier for people to gain knowledge without having to lift their feet far from where they stand. School buses also began to operate around the streets to their respective stops, the presence of this yellow bus is expected to be able to assist the departure and the return of students from home to school and vice versa, as well as to relieve the highway so that it is not crowded with the bustle of vehicles. Laptops are also provided for elementary and junior high school students, as well as school uniforms for students. The walls on the outskirts and the center of the city are now decorated with colorful paints because Madiun City is a child-friendly city. The development of educational infrastructure is expected to boost the quality of Madiun’s human resources.
In the field of tourism, corners and along the streets of Madiun City are now illuminated by solid lights, and new icons are ready to spoil the eye when passing through. Starting from the Pahlawan Street Center to the Dawuhan Flower Market, everyone already has their own glitter. PSC, Town Square, modern and traditional shopping centers are ready to welcome you with great fanfare. If you are tired, the tourist bus “Mabour” is ready to take you through the beautiful city. The culture has also been at the guard, ranging from food, and crafts to art. From pincuk of Pecel, to a package of Brem, to the Madiun batik craft, to the solah mediunan traditional dance, everything is packaged sweetly into ancestral stories that have survived to this day. Small traders are now also united into a collection of MSMEs that complement each other, their existence is able to become a destination as well as create the field of jobs and a source of the economy. Don’t forget the majestic Bluder Cokro building at the end of the city, and don’t forget Semprong, Puli Lempeng, and Madumongso as souvenirs.
Then the trade sector, ranging from food vendors to handicrafts, sturdy malls, and simple traditional markets but have complete goods. From this section, Madiun City can become a destination for the surrounding areas, to meet their needs and seek entertainment which will later be related to tourism and the economy.
Of all of them, Madiun City Government will still continue to improve, providing services that are good for the people of Madiun City and for tourists, because basically community satisfaction will be an important element in the running of good governance as the embodiment of the slogan, philosophy, vision, and mission. All community aspirations are accommodated through the implementation of Musrenbang or Development Plan Deliberations (Musyawarah Rencana Pembangunan) in each sub-districts which is attended directly by the Mayor of Madiun (Walikota Madiun). Together we build Madiun City into a more successful place. Madiun has a myriad of stories, come and be one of them.